Διαστάσεις(cm): 1920 x 1080
Υλικά: Generative Video
Χρονολογία: 2022
Dimensions (cm): 1920 x 1080
Material: Generative Video
Year: 2022
Includes certificate of authenticity.
Signed by the artist.
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Georgia Mantalia, graduated in June 2022 with a «distinction» from the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of the University of Western Macedonia, with a major in Painting and a minor in Printmaking. She has participated in several exhibitions, festivals and workshops in Greece and abroad. Mentioning selectively, she has participated in Fichti Art Festival 2022 where she collaborated with fine arts and architecture schools, in ARTIST LAB 2022 OPEN ART Electroacoustic Environments, Education, Training and Lifelong Learning Program of the Ionian University, in workshops of the workshop POIO MAKER SPACE of the municipality of Athens and in the online workshop COVID-MAPPING: CITY PORTRAIT IN CRISIS CIRCUITS, Mapping & visual representation of the pandemic in the urban public space, in collaboration with Schools of Architecture from the National Technical University of Athens, the University of Thessaly and the Technical University of Crete. Furthermore, she has participated in festivals such as Memoriam Walking Festival 2022 (Lefkada), Xenakis 22: Centenary International Symposium (Nafplio), Athens Digital Art Festival 2022, Platforms Project 2021 and Platforms Project NET 2021 Teaser where she collaborated with the visual arts group EN FLO. At the same time, she participated in DITTYA mapping projection at the Gounari’s building in Florina.
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